Ju-On Wiki

Befour the curse

Before the place was raided by the spirits the place was quite happy.The residents were always cheerful.This was spoiled as a teenager moved in who was described as insane.Young new resident Jake decided to find out who she was,Which made the apartment suffer like the seaki house.


It all started as the teenager moved in.Young new resident Jake tried to find out who she was.When he saw her pulling out newspapers out the bin she looked behind her.Jake hid and waited untill she went away.However pure white people walked by him to follow the teen.When things became much worse jake and his sister decided to find out what was going on.Tracey,Stepmother of Jake,Killed her aranged husband.She was revealed to be possesed by Kayako.Jake found his sisters corpse,His fathers body and Tracey being killed by Toshio.Jake ran away and bumbed into the teen.She was revealed to be Allison who later said that she was followed by them.Then Kayako apears and kills Allison.Jake backs away and then Kayako jumps at him.The grudge 2 ends.In the deleted scene Kayako crawls to them and kills both of them at the same time.

The grudge 3

The apartment returned in the grudge 3.Jake had survived but is killed suddenly.Then some of the residents are being killed of by the curse.Lisa and doctor sullivein try to investigate what Jake was saying.Lisa then returns back home while Sullivein is chased and killed by Kayako.Lisa and Naoka begin by saying out to stop it.Naoka says that she is Kayakos sister and there is one way of stoping it.Lisa is disgusted when she hears of the plan and return to the apartment.She then finds out that Max is possesed by Takeo seaki.Lisa then begs Naoka to stop this curse once and for all.However as they speak all of the other residents keep on dying.Lisa fears of her sister rose's fate and trys to bring her to the safe zone.This works and Rose is asked to drink Kayako's blood.Lisa disagrees and the sisters head out of the room.However Max apears and chases Naoka away.Naoka then relises she can change history and begs Max not to kill her.This does not work and Maz stabs her in the neck.Lisa is then chased by Kayako to an bathroom and she locks the door.She thinks she is safe but finds something in the bath.She looks at it and finds her boyfreinds corpse.However Kayako ends up apaering and crawls to Lisa.Lisa is faced with death and is about to be killed.Rose however drinks the blood and the spirts disapears.Lisa then exits the bathroom and sees Rose struggling to breath.Lisa then is faced with saving Rose.Meanwhile Naoka is turned into an spirt and kills Max.Lisa then sees Max's body and falls down crying.Lisa then relises that they were all killed because of an evil man[Takeo].Then Lisa and Rose are named the apartment surviviors and both of them hug.However Rose is then turned into Kayako and Lisa's eyes widen as she knows who it is.The grudge 3 ends
